
Keith Field Day
We will have rams on display at this years Stud Merino Field Day in Keith on the 24th of July. Feel free to drop by, say hello and get an early look at this year's sale rams.
Sire Evaluation 2022 Drop
The final report for the 2022 Drop South Australian Sire Evaluation is out and our ram 200119 performed well and came back with some excellent results all-round. He topped all of the indexes and performed very well in the body and wool categories. Check out the full report below.
Index Change
The old sheep genetics indexes are gone but the new ones are here. The Dual-Purpose plus index has now been replaced by the Sustainable Merino index. The traits included in both are very similar with the main differences being the added traits of Dag, Early Breech Wrinkle and Worm Egg count being added. This means that when you select rams based on this index they should in general be plainer, have less dag and be easier to care for, while still making ground in wool, body and reproduction traits.